TS3 Client 3.0.0 Beta 28

Datum: 09.09.2010

TS3 Client 3.0.0 Beta 28Gleichzeitig mit der neuen TS3 Server Version wurde auch eine neue Client Version released. Ein Update auf die Teamspeak 3 Client Beta 28 sollte euch von der Autoupdate Funktion vorgeschlagen werden. Dieses solltet ihr auf jeden Fall auch installieren, denn es gab einen Haufen Änderungen.

Wichtig für Plugin-User: Die Plugin API hat ebenfalls ein Update erfahren. Wenn ihr den neuesten Client installiert, werden eure Plugins nicht mehr laufen (bis auf die Teamspeak eigenen Plugins). Falls ihr bestimmte Plugins unbedingt benötigt, solltet ihr bei der Client Beta 26 bleiben, bis die Pluginhersteller ihre Plugins überarbeitet haben. Die 26er läuft auch auf der neuen Serverversion!

Falls ihr noch eine alte Beta 22 drauf habt, müsst ihr ggf. eine manuelle Installation (von Teamspeak.com runterladen, alte deinstallieren und neue 28er drauf installieren) vornehmen, da die 22 einen Fehler in der Autoupdate Funktion hat. In neueren Versionen ist dieser Fehler natürlich schon behoben. Im Fall einer Neuinstallation gehen keine Einstellungen oder Favoriten verloren.

Änderungen  / Changelog

  • ! The way certain text message characters are escaped was changed, servers below beta28 will not be able to correctly display some text messages
  • ! Plugin API version increased to 8
  • + Added new plugin called ClientQuery which acts similar to the server query functionality, but can only be accessed via localhost (Port 25639). It is enabled by default and is useful to add TS3 related information into third party applications
  • + Added getServerConnectInfo, getChannelConnectInfo, getChannelVariableAsUint64 and setChannelVariableAsUInt64 functions for plugins, see the test plugin as example how to use them.
  • + Added ts3plugin_requestAutoload to plugins API to let plugins request to be automatically loaded on client start, unless the user has manually disabled the plugin.
  • + Added "Copy Nickname to clipboard" context menu to "List All Clients" dialog
  • + When editing ban entries of another users fail, a messagebox shows that a modified copy will be inserted instead
  • + Rewrote the updater it now also has a banner as an appreciation to the companies that provide bandwidth and servers
  • * Some minor offline message text-tweaks which makes it more email alike
  • * Added an improvement to highlight a bookmark item, if nickname has an invalid length
  • * More improvements of server groups priority in 3D setup when a client has multiple server groups (particularly add and delete)
  • * Improved priority of server groups in 3D setup
  • * Plugin dialog now displays all plugins which failed to load including an error message.
  • - Fixed playing sound "error" when filetransfer fails instead of "complete"
  • - Fixed collapsing permissions list when insufficient permission modify power
  • - Renamed mute microphone keybind for clarity
  • - Added hotkey "Activate Microphone (current tab)"
  • - Fixed missing error sound when connection to server fails
  • - Fixed that self menu could set hardware mute on wrong tab
  • - Fixed possible crash when reconnecting to a server while permissions dialog is still open
  • - Fixed wrong flickering tray icon after server shutdown
  • - Fixed sound and description when connection to server failed
  • - Fixed using master volume when restoring client volume
  • - Fixed client names with special characters, which could end up in "????" in offline message context menu (left-click)
  • - Fixed wrong icon after server shutdown
  • - Fixed drop file on a file in same filebrowser caused an empty line
  • - Fixed deactivate Priority Speaker, which didn't work sometimes
  • - Fixed visibility of "Offline Message Dialog" when opened via context menu
  • - Fixed ban list buttons
  • - Plugins API: Fixed sendPluginCommand function.
  • - Overhauled chatline cursor backup to restore cursor position on tab change.
  • - Handle modal-quit message on servers with 0 max slots
  • - Fixed string issue in whisper dialog when groupname contained html
  • - Fixed that string "invalid" was out of bounds in capture sound setup dialog when combobox had an invalid capture device
  • - Fixed filebrowser Drag&Drop from channel to channel on a file, we assume current path instead of a denied symbol
  • - Fixed channelinfo template description field didn't use the hole width
  • - Fixed sending Offline Messages to a disconnected chatpartner via context menu could end up in "Premature end of document"
  • - Fixed some hotkeys did't respect different server tabs
  • - Text tweak for warn-when-muted
  • - Fixed parsing ts3server links with Unicode nicknames, channels etc.
  • - Fixed whisper dialog not displaying the correct server or channel group when reopening the dialog.
  • - Permission check for Create-Subchannel contextmenu adjusted.
  • - Added "ts3server://hostort" as alternative syntax to "ts3server://host?port= ". If both are given, "port=
  • - Fixed always-on-top feature being lost after minimize to tray.
  • - Fixed autoreconnect after standby to rejoin the previous channel.
  • - Replace outgoing   with whitespace instead of incoming text. Fixed replacement using UTF-8 0xC2 0xA0 instead of ASCII 0xA0
  • - Added workaround to avoid assertion when connecting to server.
  • - Removed log spam when checking channelcommander icon.
  • - Fixed UTF-8 conversion error at client start
  • - Fixed contextmenu operating on wrong table index when sorting the table
  • - Close bookmark contextmenu when selecting an action
  • - Plugin printMessage functions did not convert utf-8 strings properly
  • - Updated permission texts, translation fixes
  • - Reduced maximum lines to reload chat history to 1000.
  • - Mac: Fixed problem that lead to jpg and gif images not being displayed
  • - Fixed collapsing permissions list when insufficient permission modify power
  • - Fixed crash when using "mute output on all servers"

Den offiziellen Thread im Teamspeak Forum gibt es hier